Victoria Westminster Partnership
Website development
Following in the footsteps of success
Victoria Westminster is a business-led partnership formed to support businesses and economic growth and to create a vibrant destination for those who work, visit or live in the area.
Building on the success of the Victoria Business Improvement District which was founded in 2010, there was significant interest from the business community to extend the footprint to cover a wider boundary, and the partnership aims to become a formalised BID towards the end of 2018.
There has been huge redevelopment in Victoria and the partnership aims to become a key driver for the business community through the provision of street cleaning, additional security and to provide strategic input for innovative public realm schemes, key environmental strategies and business engagement.
The new website was designed to provide a brief overview of the area and its aims and objectives as well as keeping stakeholders informed of the latest initiatives, news and events as it works towards the BID ballot.
The design closely aligns the new site to the one we created for Victoria BID, cementing their close relationship and utilising the purple as a strong identifier in the area for all things BID-related.