Richmond, The American International University in London
Undergraduate and Postgraduate prospectuses
Born in the USA, made in London.
Richmond, the American International University in London, is a US institution offering a liberal arts education in the UK for British and overseas students.
Engaged by Richmond last autumn, we have just delivered their latest undergraduate and postgraduate prospectuses, the first to carry the University’s new visual identity.
Both publications highlight the duality of the Richmond experience – an American education delivered in the UK, taught across two London campuses with the opportunity to gain dual accredited US and UK degrees.
Tying in with a recent profile-raising campaign our prospectuses feature symmetrical Anglo-American images throughout. A fast-paced design with bold typography and an overriding red, white and blue colour palette ensures that the prospectuses stand out in a highly competitive, international marketplace and clearly convey the University’s undergraduate and postgraduate proposition.
The Richmond experience is told through a number of student, alumni and staff profiles.